Behind the scenes at bee's wrap

You know the saying: It's the most wonderful time of the year. And at Bee's Wrap, as we race toward the holidays, this is also the busiest time of year. The days are shorter, the temperatures are dropping — and the hive is a-buzz.
The phone is ringing off of the hook. Members of our staff are darting this way and that, passing on messages to the shipping department. But amid the chaos there's excitement. Christmas carols are playing in the workshop, and every now and then we strike up a singalong.
When we founded Bee’s Wrap in 2012, we worked out of founder Sarah Kaeck’s home. We grew into a bustling workshop in Bristol, Vermont — and during this year, one of incredible growth for us, we expanded our capacity, added members to our team, and happily sent more Bee’s Wrap out into the world. We took over the entirety of the building that houses our workshop, and stretching into the one next door. As we rush toward the holidays this year, we're reminded of how far we've come, how much we've grown, and how grateful we are to everyone who has helped along the way.
Amid all this growth, we still take pride in touching every step in our production process, from sourcing sustainably harvested beeswax to handling all of our production in-house to sending Bee’s Wrap out into the world.
And most of all, we take pride in sending Bee's Wrap out into the world. From our home to yours, happy holidays this season!