The Bee's Wrap® Guide to Camping

There’s no getting around it: Unless you’re a true minimalist, willing to sleep under the stars, camping requires a certain amount of stuff. There’s planning involved — packing lists and grocery lists, tents and gear and extra layers and boots. Getting there is half the battle, but it’s one that we gladly take on during Vermont summers and autumns. The preparation may be daunting, but the payoff is always sweet.
Here’s what camping doesn’t require: Trash.
At Bee’s Wrap® we’re committed to reducing our dependence on single-use plastics, the disposable wares that are all too easy to use once and then toss aside. These end up in landfills and along roadways, in our water and our soil.
Planning ahead — and packing tools like Bee’s Wrap® — can make a big difference in cutting back on disposables while traveling and camping. Bee's Wrap® makes leaving no trace on your adventures easy. It's easy to care for, simply rinse your wraps in a river or under a spigot — or fold the mess up to contain it, and wash at home. Unlike bulkier containers, your wraps can fold down to the size of a handkerchief to tuck into your pack or camping kit.

With Bee's Wraps®, and some homemade snacks, keeping the trails clean is a breeze.
So, grab some new Forest Floor Wraps, pack your favorites, and adventure somewhere new in a sustainable way - because nature’s camo isn’t plastic.
Assorted 3-Pack
We turned to a few experienced campers on staff here to learn more about how they cut down on trash and waste while camping. Here are their tips!
Pack reusable containers, water bottles, and Bee’s Wrap® for meals and on-the-go snacks.
We always make sure we have a few sturdy, reusable water bottles — we love our Klean Kanteen® and Hydroflask®, but many brands make good options — in our backpacks and camping kits. We use smaller water bottles on day hikes and excursions, and larger containers to fill up on potable water at campsites.
Likewise, we pack plenty of Bee’s Wrap® to both store ingredients in our camp cooler (it’s a great way to keep veggies and bread fresh for the duration of your long weekend trip!) and to pack snacks for adventures. It's also handy for wrapping up dirty utensils on the trail or while packing up at a campsite
When in doubt, use a bread wrap.
Our biggest wraps are multitasking superstars on camping trips — serving as a clean space for prepping food or setting down utensils. Sometimes we like to snack our way through a weekend of camping instead of preparing elaborate meals, and our large bread wraps make it easy to cover a platter of chips, dips, veggies, and cheese.
Skip chemical fire starters for something more natural.
Did you know Bee’s Wrap® makes an excellent fire starter? You can repurpose old, worn-out wraps for kindling. Cut them into strips and toss into the bonfire or woodstove. The remaining wax will ignite, giving you a long, slow burn with little smoke!
Wrap your soap and toothbrush in Bee’s Wrap®
Both at home and on the go, we prefer a bar of soap (and a shampoo bar!) to the excess packaging of liquid soaps and shampoo. Wrap your bar of soap in a small wrap to contain any slippery suds and drips. Likewise, wrapping a toothbrush in Bee’s Wrap® keeps your toothbrush clean in your toiletry kit.
We choose to camp because we find solace and joy in nature. We enjoy good meals outside, cooked beside the campfire (where the added ingredients of fresh air and woodsmoke somehow elevate even the simplest meal to the highest of cuisines). And we celebrate the place we’re committed to protecting: the great outdoors. While fall is in the air here in Vermont, we’re taking every last chance we can to get outside and enjoy this place we call home.